The Alkaline Way


The herbalist Dr Sebi inspired this mucus reducing alkaline diet, which is made up of non-hybrid alkalizing plant foods. These foods control the acid level in the body, which protects against harmful mucus buildup that compromises organs and leads to the development of disease.

The diet consisted of only natural alkaline vegetables, fruits, nuts, alkaline grains, and legumes, which would alkalize and remove mucus from the body. Along with the diet he also used natural alkaline herbs to clean the body’s cells on the cellular, and intra-cellular level. The alkaline diet is based on the premise that disease can only exist in an acidic environment. The body works to maintain a slightly alkaline 7.4 pH
environment in the blood.

The blood is the point of equilibrium for homeostasis and when the body becomes too acidic the body will borrow alkaline minerals and compounds from bones and fluids through the body to put into the blood to keep its pH stable. This jeopardize the health of different areas of the body and lead to the
development of disease.

The Dr Sebi Guideline


    Drinking plenty of spring water a day is essential to making this alkaline diet work. Dr. Sebi suggests drinking a gallon of spring water a day, and health
    organizations suggest around the same amount. The adult body consists of 70% water. All of the body’s metabolic functions need adequate amounts of water to function properly. Water removes waste from the body, cushions the joints and organs, and assists in the absorption of nutrients.
    Many of herbs Dr. Sebi uses are diuretics and increase urination to remove toxins from the body. You must replace the water to support the healthy functioning of the body. Spring water is a natural alkaline water alkaline water and it best supports the hydration and natural ratio of electrolytes in the body.

  • Natural cooking methods

    Alkaline electric foods are always best consumed raw however when heating alkaline electric foods the conditions are that it is only to be heated on a natural flame or heat. The use of high frequency heat such as microwaves have known to kill off food nutrients & minerals as well as conflicting with many health problems. When cooking alkaline electric foods be sure to use 100% stainless steel pots/pans. the use of non stick pans have also caused a variety of brain damage and cancer due to its teflon releasing into food whilst cooking.

  • circadian rhythm

    It is utmost important that we eat in rythm of nature, certain plants dont grow all year round which is why we must eat in season what nature provides. Besides that, daily food consumption should not be for amusement but for nourishment, therefore do not indulge but rather gain self control to eat only when you are really hungry.



• Apples
• Bananas – (Burro/Small-Size)
• Berries – (All Varieties)
• Cantaloupe
• Cherries
• Coconuts
• Currants
• Dates
• Figs
• Grapes (Seeded)
• Limes Seeded / Lemon Seeded
• Mango
• Melons -seeded
• Orange (Seville)
• Papayas
• Peaches
• Pears
• Plums
• Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)
• Prunes
• Raisins (Seeded)
• Soursop
• Tamarind


• Amaranth
• Wild Arugula
• Avocado
• Bell Peppers
• Chayote (Mexican Squash)
• Cucumber
• Dandelion
• Garbanzo Beans (ChickPeas)
• Izote
• Kale
• Lettuce (All Except Iceberg)
• Mushrooms (All Except Shitake)
• Mustard greens (removed)
• Nopales – Mexican Cactus
• Okra
• Olives
• Onions
• Purslane
• Sea Vegetables (Wakame/Dulse/Arame/Hijiki/Nori)
• Squash
• Tomato (Cherry & Plum)
• Tomatillo
• Turnip greens
• Watercress
• Zucchini


• Brazil Nuts
• Hemp Seed
• Pine Nuts
• Sesame Seeds
• Tahini
• Walnuts


• Olive Oil (Do Not Cook)
• Coconut Oil (Do Not Cook)
Grapeseed Oil
• Sesame Oil
• Hempseed Oil
• Avocado Oil (Do Not Cook)


• Achiote
• Basil
• Bay leaf
• Cayenne/African Bird Pepper
• Cilantro
• Cloves
• Coriander
• Dill
• Habanero
• Marjoram
• Onion Powder
• Oregano
• Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori)
• Pure Sea Salt
• Sage
• Savory
• Sweet Basil
• Tarragon
• Thyme


• 100% Pure Agave Syrup
• Date Sugar


• Amaranth
• Fonio
• Kamut
• Quinoa
• Rye
• Spelt
• Tef
• Wild Rice

Herbal Teas

• Anise
• Burdock
• Chamomile
• Fennel
• Ginger
• Lemon Grass
• Red Raspberry
• Cuachalalate
• Flor de Manita
• Gordo Lobo
• Muicle